Saturday, November 14, 2015

Wine Tasting at Temecula

I wanted to do something for Eddie so I booked a chauffeur to take us wine tasting in Temecula, about 1 hour drive north of us. It was great having the tour planned for us, and it was so peaceful to be outdoors. After a couple of stops, including a winery designed by the architect of Disney meant to replicate Snow White's cottage, we headed to lunch at Thorton Winery, and had the best beer battered fries ever. I said I could just eat a whole plate of those and be happy. When we told our chauffeur, unprompted, she said the same thing! So good. I liked the dessert wine at Hart, while the most unusual was the Talking Frog Wine, a mix between champagne and IPA. Our final winery was too overbooked and resembled a frat party, so we decided it was time to head home. Indian delivery was the way to go tonight. A great ending to a great day.

Enjoying the sunshine at Hart Winery.

What a view!

Hanging out in Snow White's garden at Briar Rose Winery.


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