Sunday, June 28, 2015

21 Days and Polo

21 Days, no chicken, beef, or pork for me and a dramatic increase in veggies/fruits, green smoothies, no to sugary pastries. For Eddie, no alcohol, decrease in meat, More veggies/fruits, no night eating, and less processed foods. I can't say it's been smooth sailing completely. Eddie's beer is still sitting in the fridge untouched. Me, saying no to cookies (Chips ahoy, Keebler, anything!) was tough this week. It's not the meat I miss, it's sugar. Symptoms for me, fatigue, stomach aches, and headaches. I'm going to up my calorie intake with more veggies this week since my research shows that some of this might be caused by a calorie deficiency. I also read it can take up to year to get rid of all the toxins caused by animal products.

Going back to what you know.
I am eating more vegetables and fruits than I can remember, except for when I was a kid. As a youngster, every meal was loaded with veggies, and fruit was typically dessert. Eating this way reminds me of how far off track I had gone from eating what I knew was intuitively good for me.

Withdrawl is real.
I have read so many articles about the withdrawl symptoms up to the first few months such as cravings, flu-like symptoms, breakouts, etc.Withdrawl is a constant reminder that food choices matter. Overtime, I had trained myself to eat unhealthy foods, and now I have to train my body to eat healthy foods. I find it so odd that broccoli would wreak so much havoc, and yet our bodies can tolerate junk food.

Know that it's making a difference.
My initial motivation was to upgrade my health. There's also a bigger picture. I can make conscious choices about what I eat and be less influenced to a lesser degree by the food industry machine. Who wants to go back to waking up in the am to chase the Starbucks addiction?

 It was a sunny and slightly overcast day at the polo fields with some adventurous friends who invite us to join them. Funny thing is, we know nothing about polo going in and even less going out .  No one was particularly interested in watching the game, not even people that were attending who knew people who were playing, and grassy fields turned into what was kind of like a Vegas night club with VIP and reserved areas, fashions were interesting and even flamboyant with men wearing white pants and handkerchiefs in suit pockets, ladies with hats. Note to self - wear wedges, digging into the dirt with heals was no fun. We do look quite comfortable posing in front of this BMW with a glass of champagne (it's all part of a healthy diet - not! oh well I'm not perfect).

We clean up well. Eddie donning Polo at polo.

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