Wednesday, June 26, 2013

50th Wedding Anniversary

It was such an honor to celebrate Eddie's parents' wedding anniversary this past weekend. We celebrated at St. Patrick's Cathedral where celebrities like Mariah Carey got married. The cathedral was under construction, which obstructed the architectural beauty, but it didn't take anything away from the beautiful sight of 400 couples renewing their vows. Big Ed's toast was well put as he thanked everyone for joining in the celebration and shared his wish that everyone at the table can celebrate their 50th with their respective partners. How touching and inspirational! Thanks to Monica and Jason for their hospitality and the Arirang birthday song will continue to ring in our ears.

Giant bagels or regular sized bagels if you're from NY. The cinnamon raisin was out of bounds good.

A beautiful family photo opp. Eddie, Mary Ann, Eddie Sr., Patricia, Michelle, Monica, Sister Genevieve

Couldn't help snapping a shot of my engagement ring. Love it.
Us on a bus. Eddie being silly.
The whole gang.
We got suite level tickets, which was pretty sweet. I am the first to eat sushi at a baseball game with Eddie.
The bride and groom!

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