Sunday, March 18, 2012

Get Out of Dodge Trip - Santa Monica

I was adamant that despite the rain - we stick with our plans to get out Dodge. The morning looked bleak with overcast skies and pouring rain at the start of our 2 hour drive to Santa Monica. At some points, it was hard for us to see in front of us. Fortunately, the rain stopped by the time we reached our hotel. We enjoyed some great chowder and calamari followed by a jaunt to Third Street Promenade and an impromptu decision to watch "21 Jump Street" - hilarious movie before we nearly ran back to our room because of the extreme cold which seemed reminiscent of Eddie's winters in NY. A trip to LA would not be complete without a star sighting. We passed by the Ivy and saw an ex-NY housewife - Jill Zarin and her husband Bobby dining at the Ivy for lunch. Before we left, we checked out Main St. - not much happening, and took a quick stop at San Juan Capistrano for lunch before heading home.

Baby goats at a petting zoo - Farmer's Market Main Street

Santa Monica Seafood - Good eats and no waiting due to the rain

Our oceanview room

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