Monday, January 8, 2018

Family Trip to Honolulu

Before Hawaii, the hubs took me to Lake Arrowhead for my birthday. It was peaceful and slow. The perfect way to unwind from a busy schedule. We fed ducks, took a book tour, ate lunch by the lake, and shopped. Flash forward to December, and we're in Hawaii with the family and my work family. This year flew!

Lake Arrowhead

Day 2 Hawaii

Happy Hour Kick Off

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Decoy Dockside with the Hubs

Eddie and I had never been to Decoy, a Dockside restaurant with open windows overlooking a lake. We were pleasantly surprised by the Sunday Brunch Buffet offering. We ate leisurely followed by a walk along the lake. Saw a flock of geese and will be renting a paddle boat soon. I really loved the moments of quiet time we shared today and seeing new things.

The Hubs and Me