After successfully completing our first half marathon- the Rock n' Roll Las Vegas, we realized that we enjoyed destination races, which blends Eddie's love of travel and Melissa's love of new experiences. May our journey challenge, strengthen us, and inspire others to do more than they ever thought possible.
Monday, January 8, 2018
Family Trip to Honolulu
Before Hawaii, the hubs took me to Lake Arrowhead for my birthday. It was peaceful and slow. The perfect way to unwind from a busy schedule. We fed ducks, took a book tour, ate lunch by the lake, and shopped. Flash forward to December, and we're in Hawaii with the family and my work family. This year flew!
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Decoy Dockside with the Hubs
Eddie and I had never been to Decoy, a Dockside restaurant with open windows overlooking a lake. We were pleasantly surprised by the Sunday Brunch Buffet offering. We ate leisurely followed by a walk along the lake. Saw a flock of geese and will be renting a paddle boat soon. I really loved the moments of quiet time we shared today and seeing new things.
The Hubs and Me